Support our growth
Your donation helps the Red River Valley Museum continue its mission of preserving and presenting history for generations to come!
Continuing the Legacy!
Please consider leaving a charitable bequest in your will to the Red River Valley Museum.
“I have been going to this museum since I was a little girl and it only gets better. This little town cares about its history in a big, big way. Love going there!”
Check or cash donations can be mailed to:
Red River Valley Museum
4600 College Drive, PO Box 2004
Vernon, TX 76384
Want to support our Art Education Programming? Consider ordering from our Amazon Wishlist!
Your donation is helping us sustain and grow the museum!
Youth art classes & educational programming
Interactive tours from knowledgeable docents
School field trips and activities for local youth groups
State of the art exhibits on natural and local history, as well as science and art